On the night of November 27th, the Castilian ships anchored in front of the place where they had built the fort almost a year earlier in the Hispaniola island. The darkness made it impossible to see if there were any dangerous elements in the water, so they decided to wait
Columbus’ second journey to America
The fleet of seventeen ships departed from the bay of Cádiz at dawn of September 25th,1493, heading for the Canary Islands where they had planned to make a stop to replenish water, feed and collect some animals. On October 2th they arrived in Gran Canaria and on October 5th they
Preparations for the Columbus’ second journey: the beginning of colonization
After the great reception dispensed by the Reyes Católicos to Christopher Columbus en Barcelona, they ordered him to begin immediately begin the preparation of a second expedition to the Indias. The news of the Discovery had even reached the Portuguese king John II even before them, due to the arrival
Return from Columbus’ first voyage
On January 16th, 1493 the fleet departed from Hispaniola Island to Spain. The route went north and northeast for twenty days, until February 4th when the admiral ordered a turn to the east, since it had reached the parallel of the Azores and from here the winds would be favorable. The
Discovering a new world
After the first contact with the land and with some natives, the ships began a journey through all the small islands that were found. They did not believe what they saw, that must have been the closest thing to the paraíso: blue waters, white beaches and lush vegetation. They sailed
The Discovery of America – Columbus’s First Journey
The Discovery of America took place on October 12th,1492 during the first Christopher Columbus trip to American lands. Although the real intention of this trip was to find a sea route to Asia and have direct access to its markets eventually became one of the greatest feats of world history.
Black Legend: “The majority of Spaniards arriving in the New World were criminal convicts.”
One of the most recurrent accusations of the legends is that the majority of Spaniards who came to the New World to populate it were criminals freed from the Castilian prisons and that in exchange for this freedom they were offered to leave to the new territories and thus killed
The Capitulations of Santa Fe
April 17th,1492 the capitulations of Santa Fe are so called because they were signed in the Granada town of Santa Fe, Christian headquarters during the siege of the Catholic Kings against the last vestige of Muslim power in the Peninsula. The capitulations were a contract signed between the monarchs and individuals
The voyages of Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus organized four trips or expeditions to the New World. Three of these trips were exploratory and one colonizer, specifically the second. These voyages of Christopher Columbus, whose objective was to find a route to Asian products in order to trade by sailing west, have been greatly glorified. Instead
A new vision of the Conquest of America
Never in the history of mankind has a similar event occurred such as the Conquest of America. La conquest of an entire gigantic continent by the drive and action of a few adventurers who delivered to the Hispanic Monarchy one of the largest territories ever under unified sovereignty. An unparalleled
Spanish conquest and colonization of North America
There is very little literature on such a magnificent event as the Spanish conquest and colonization of North America. And much less about the experience and work of a few Spaniards who, like many others, in their search for new opportunities and a better life, ventured further north to Cuba