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Biography of Sebastián de Belalcázar

Biography of Sebastián de Belalcázar Summary Family Panamá Nicaragua Perú Nueva Granada Pizarro's rebelion Residence trial and death Summary Sebastián Moyano y Cabrera or Sebastián de Belalcázar, born in the town of Belalcázar (Córdoba-Spain) in 1490, was a Spanish military officer, conquistador, explorer, adelantado and governor in the Indies. After settling in the

Biography of the viceroy Antonio de Mendoza

Biography of the viceroy Antonio de Mendoza Location of birth: Antonio de Mendoza was born on September 12,1490 in Mondéjar (Guadalajara - Spain) Location of death: Antonio de Mendoza died on July 21,1552 in Lima (Virreinato del Perú). Positions held: - Commander of the Order of Santiago. - Councillor of the town hall and treasurer of the
